By TetraMap_Admin
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Unleashing leadership potential
TetraMap International support Rotary Youth Leadership Awards in Wellington, NZ.
Each year, a group of 40 or 50 young professionals come together for a week. This is the first day, where people have met for the first time, and completed the My Nature, Your Nature workbook. After dinner, they build geodesic dome from recycled newspapers in teams. They have a whole lot of fun but a whole lot of learning too!
More tips for successful facilitation:
- Spend a minimum of 30 mins to even an hour to set the context before delivering the content.
- Be flexible and adjust the content based on what the participants need (e.g. from their direct feedback during the breaks etc.).
- Debriefing the games or activities – this is critical. Why? It’s not about what the facilitator thinks the participants should have learnt; it’s actually about understanding the actual lessons the participants have learned. Debriefing will help embed the learning.
- Be able to handle emotion in the room – you may need to offer support to a participant who is experiencing an emotional trigger.
- Version 1 is better than Version 0. Consider this: every facilitation event you lead is the best – based on what you already know. You can be certain that the next one will be better because you will have reflected and adjusted and learnt from any mistakes you may have made – and so you know more! (great wisdom from Jack Wong)