Academic Reviews

By TetraMap_Admin

Sound, reasonable, logical, suitable?

The model has “face validity” rather than research-based “scientific validity”.

Uni Library
By Olenko Sergienko on Pexels

Over 20 years very few have disagreed with our simple and playful descriptors of the Elements. This gives us confidence that the instrument is suitable for purpose as the results and descriptions closely correspond to real-world examples.

We have deliberately chosen this route.  The results of our 10-question instrument,  reflect our assertion that it is an intuitive, metaphor based and simple self-assessment.  It’s a blunt instrument with a powerful force – Nature – behind it.

We consider this approach an asset because it encourages people to take responsibility for themselves instead of relying on experts or data for comparisons. 

From a TetraMap worldview,  the journey of self-discovery and the conversations between people are FAR more important to the outcome than the ‘result’ of the questionnaire.

Nature in its complexity is efficient. Nature in its simplicity is exquisite. 

Uni Student
By Zen Chung on Pexels

Academic Dr Andrea Polzer Debruyne (PhD Organisational Psychology) has written her perspective from her personal experiences using TetraMap and explained how the theoretical underpinnings are different in this article.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion practitioner Kelsey Paske describes her experience of TetraMap’s value in conflict resolution and leadership development roles at Universities in Australia and London.  She says “I was really surprised and inspired by the simplicity of TetraMap and its commitment to positive psychology.”

Improving Group Dynamics for Collaborative Learning: The use of TetraMap®. Teachers Ivy Chan, Carmen Sum, Nathan Nexus Phua and Yanny Pang, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, PRC have published a paper called ‘Improving Group Dynamics for Collaborative Learning: The Use of TetraMap”. The abstract concludes It is suggested that educators could adopt the TetraMap® model and equip students to explore individual differences, experience synergy, and embrace diversity in future group work.

How Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Evolved Education: This inspiring, courageous journey delves into the transformation of the world’s largest indigenous tertiary institute – Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in New Zealand. Here they used TetraMap to develop a unique indigenous communication model that supports cultural diversity, fosters stronger leadership and deepens the educational experience for both tutors and students.

TetraMap’s model, tool, framework and approach is being used by academic practitioners and institutions around the globe to add value and to serve the important work they are already doing. Human relationships are by nature complex. TetraMap helps us to simplify how to get the most from each other, through building soft skills capability.     

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