I am now a certified TetraMap Facilitator, and what a journey it has been! It feels as if my mindset and value systems were taken out, placed on a jungle gym, played with, hung upside down, then totally renewed as they re-surfaced upright and loaded with wonderful new oxygenated blood. It was a memorable time on the jungle gym.
The Facilitators Nikki Hommes and Jan Alley were an inspiration, sharing their knowledge in an intense but fun environment; their composure was so confident I knew we were in for something good. It was clear to me I was not the only participant totally engaged; the deeper we went the more relaxed everyone became. I even noticed the physical change in everyone’s faces as we progressed through the programme. The tools we were given to use from here on in just kept coming and kept igniting the excitement.
It’s true: if everyone subscribed to TetraMap, there would be world peace. The value of knowing that human behavioural differences can be understood and valued using the metaphor of Nature’s four elements deals with our anxieties and the differences even in the most harmonious environment.
To learn how we can take this incredible phenomenon and teach it in our workplaces or apply it to our businesses and lives is irrevocably valuable. Thanks, Nikki and Jan for your presentation, and Yoshimi and Jon for the gift.