Stuart Fleming

Stuart Fleming

Ian Fleming

Certified:18th September 2005

+64 (0) 274 874 331


I’m proud to have been facilitating TetraMap for 20 years, helping people “learn it in the morning and put it into practice in the afternoon.”

Why do I enjoy it so much?
  • It simplifies the complex.
  • It helps people understand and appreciate their differences.
  • TetraMap is easy to learn, simple to remember, and useful for a lifetime.
  • All learners can relate to the elements of nature, no matter their country of origin.
  • It encourages potential and builds trust, develops empathy and collaborative relationships.
  • It speaks to Te Ao Māori – the Māori worldview which emphasises the importance of relationships between nature and people and focuses on interconnections.
  • It offers people insights into themselves, others, and how, despite our differences, our strengths are needed for teamwork.
  • It’s fun!

TetraMap allows learners to consider any opportunity, challenge, communication, or personal interaction from four different (yet equally valid) perspectives. Once the metaphor is learnt, it can be applied to teamwork, strategic planning, leadership, customer service: anything!

Who’s embraced it? Organisations in finance, government, armed services, not for profits, telecommunications, retail, travel, professional services, health and more… all over the world.

Let me help your organisation explore its true nature.

Your Specialities

Team development, culture change, leadership, strategy

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