Certified: 08th November 2007
I coach business leaders and teams to be more confident and time effective, to improve their performance, so that they achieve the results they want in work, life and within themselves.
I cut my teeth in leadership and personal development, working as a senior executive and change agent at Marshalls and Securicor. In 2001, I became the manufacturing industry’s first full-time executive performance coach. I’ve since left Marshalls to fly solo, delivering my True Results Programme to over 300 managers in a variety of UK and international businesses.
I started using my own behavioural and communication style model in 2001. Jeni Mumford and Anne Clews trained me to become a TetraMap Cetrified Facilitator in 2007. I found that TetraMapping fit my own model like a glove: The Warrior became Earth, the Hero became Fire, the Sage became Water and the Samurai became Air. I’ve been using TetraMapping every month ever since.
It changed my life! My team is winning £0.5M more business year on year since I went though Tim’s True Results Programme. My mind set, focus, courage, decision making and leadership performance have soared. I am now far more relaxed, enjoying all aspects of life and living in my dream home.
Andy Cullum, Promoted to Business Development Director, lypipe Civils
TetraMap Facilitation
I love the team bonding power and simplicity of TetraMapping.
TetraMapping plays a key part in both the first and final steps of my True Results Programme. I always use TetraMapping right at the start of the programme as it’s how I match my FIRE communication with my clients element. If I don’t, it can feel as if we’re speaking two different languages. At the start, the focus is CLARITY: helping people to see why they are the way they are and how other people may view them. Finally, I use the TetraMapping to help people create bridge-building relationships, which I call CONNECTION, by effectively adapting behavioural styles to realise positive, win-win outcomes.
I also use TetraMapping to enable sales professionals to identify TetraMap types and to adapt their communication style accordingly. This has seen consistent, measured improvements in their sales results.
I utilise the TetraMap, so that clients can understand the different leadership behavioural types: the EARTH Director, the FIRE Inspirational Leader, the WATER Coach and the AIR Project Manager.
I find that when people truly understand TetraMapping they can use it on a personal level to remains harmonious with virtually anyone. In groups, TetraMapping plays a major part in me helping them boost teamwork, communication, culture and performance. I particularly appreciate how the TetraMap helps people to truly value others. It is a wonderful, diversity tool that emphasises how everyone brings something special to the party…
“The coaching and training generated a marked improvement in the motivation, commitment and performance of the team. Tim is a real inspiration! I have personally benefited in a profound way.” Rory Kendrick (Natural Stone Managing Director) Marshalls Plc
I’ve recently enjoyed taking TetraMapping to Italy, using a specially designed Italian version. TetraMapping played a transformative role within a team that was led by a calm, caring WATER/AIR who was working with a strong and focused EARTH.