My nature your nature

By TetraMap_Admin

My nature your nature – the nature of behaviour

Celebrating uniqueness within community and education settings.

Here at TetraMap, we believe that strength lies in valuing difference. This is especially important when working in community and education contexts, where you encounter, teach, help, and lead people from all walks of life.

Our course ‘My Nature, Your Nature  – the nature of behaviour’  is specifically tailored to education and community settings.

My Nature Your Nature

During the facilitated session, you will learn:

  • the different ways people communicate
  • how to overcome communication challenges and respond to others in a constructive and helpful way
  • how you and others behave under stress
  • how to work more effectively as a team
  • how to lead your team in a way where everyone comes along with you

At the end of the course, your team will come away with a better understanding of not only themselves, but those around them, enabling them to work together to better support and engage with the people that they work with.

Book now

To book this course, you will need to contact one of our qualified facilitators in your region. You can find a list here, or get in touch with us and we will connect you to someone who can help.

They will work with you to ensure the programme meets your specific needs and will bring dynamism, excitement, energy and playfulness to the session.

Book a session with one of our facilitators today.

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