Congratulations to our latest Master Facilitators Olive Strachan, Sandra Rösch, Haani Huata- Allen and Conny Huaki! We hear more about their experience and how it has enriched their working and personal life. Explore what’s in it for you to become a Master TetraMap Facilitator – how you can go deeper, broader and further, expanding your own network and worldviews.
Behind the scenes at TetraMap International there have been some exciting new changes to the TetraPanel, particularly around grouping, which offer much more choice and flexibility and powerful results.
In this month’s Trust the Process we explore Elemental preferences in personal development. Learn how to flex between your Elements, building on strengths and making them work for you, opening up a whole new world of collaboration and communication.
Staying with this year’s themes of KINDNESS and COURAGE – do you want to be the best leader and in turn grow amazing leaders? As the new TetraMap of Leadership course is ready to launch we give you all the know-how you need to dial up your courage, step up as a leader and encourage others.
For those of you thinking of signing up to our upcoming Master TetraMap Facilitator course, our website explains why people choose to do it. If you want to explore the idea further our (very helpful) Global Head of Learning, Emma Mauger, will be happy to talk you through any queries, just drop her a line at
As TetraMap continues to flourish across the globe, more and more of you are going online to run your sessions using the TetraMap digital suite.
It’s all down to our clients – we have listened to your requests and feedback. The changes took months to design, build and test and were very much a team effort working with facilitators. One of the areas we are most proud of is our new functionality which makes it easier than ever to group, compare, and analyze team results which highlights the insights, leading to better outcomes, improved understanding and a more harmonious workplace.
Ultimately, the Tetra Panel results go far beyond individual insights – they empower facilitators and managers to create stronger, more effective teams. The latest updates to the Tetra Panel are designed to enhance this capability. Looking beyond self-understanding with TetraMap, the results offer an incredibly powerful tool for a team – helping to build well-rounded, capable groups by balancing different traits and perspectives.
By introducing the subgroups feature, facilitators can now group specific individuals based on their team’s composition, working relationships, or even project assignments. It gives a clearer view of how individuals interact and connect from a strengths-based perspective.
The new features are particularly useful for comparing divisions or subdivisions within a business. By analyzing thedifferent elements present in each group, facilitators can better understand the group’s strengths, identify gaps and recognize areas that need more conscious attention. Sometimes a group may lack a particular trait or not give it enough focus, which becomes easier to pinpoint and address.
This approach is especially valuable in conflict resolution. By comparing preferences, we can anticipate potential friction points and provide insights and advice on how to minimize them. Understanding where conflicts may arise helps teams implement strategies to improve collaboration and harmony.
We encourage everybody to explore these new features and discover just how many ways filtering preferences can help create a happier, more effective team and business environment.
Brett Baker, TetraMap Chief Technical Officer
Last month, we explored how language shapes our understanding of the Elements. This month, we’re taking it a step further – how do we move beyond recognising our Elemental preferences to actively flexing between them?
Understanding our own Elemental strengths is an important first step, but real growth comes when we learn to adapt. Whether leading a team, working through a challenge, or simply communicating with others, the ability to flex into different Elemental approaches is what sets truly effective facilitators and leaders apart.
“They prefer structure and logic, but when the moment calls for spontaneity, they find ways to loosen the plan and embrace new ideas.”
This is someone flexing between Air and Fire, using both structure and creativity when the situation demands it.
TetraMap is not about putting ourselves (or others) in a box – it’s about recognising how and when to shift perspectives. Facilitators who consciously adapt their Elemental language and behaviours can create more inclusive spaces, where all participants feel seen and heard.
Try this simple reflection exercise:
For example, an Earth-preferred facilitator may instinctively prioritise outcomes and efficiency, but in a highly relational setting, flexing into Water’s empathy and connection will help strengthen engagement.
Personal development is about increasing our range of choices. The more we practice shifting between Elements, the more effective we become in different contexts. Consider these approaches when working with teams:
The real magic of TetraMap happens not when we define ourselves by an Element, but when we learn to flex between them – responding to what’s needed, rather than staying in our comfort zone.
Allowing for some flexibility dependent on context will help identify situations where an individual’s strengths or preferences can be used effectively. Here are a few places on our website where you can learn more about flexibility:
We also encourage you to read the chapter on ‘Flexibility’ in “TetraMap develop people and business the way nature intended” pages 109 – 113.
What does it take to make tough decisions, stand up for what’s right, and take risks when necessary? How is it that some people seem to naturally inspire confidence and respect from their teams?
It’s all down to good leadership – and good leadership takes courage. One of this year’s themes for TetraMap is courage, and our vision and purpose in the world is to reduce conflict and promote diversity. This involves promoting leadership that is capable of engaging with others through embracing diverse perspectives, seeking connection and creating inter-dependence.
The new TetraMap of Leadership course offers the next step for certified facilitators. It offers practical techniques to integrate Courage, Wisdom, Compassion and Inspiration into anyone’s leadership and ways to strengthen connections with others and the wider world. The programme comes with a set of facilitation materials that promises to elevate TetraMap in a leadership context.
“Not only is this a fast-track to increasing self-awareness and awareness of others, it is a learning journey which promises to enrich your leadership development work and your TetraMap practice.
“Once you have completed this programme, you will be able to facilitate the TetraMap of Leadership and share it as a toolkit for anyone who wants to cultivate their own self-leadership capabilities, as well as for those who are guiding others.”
Emma Mauger, Global Head of Learning
The Master TetraMap Facilitator programme is once again open and the deadline is approaching. Registrations will close by the end of April – so if you are still sitting on the fence, it’s time to jump!
It’s all about transformation, leadership, legacy and scale – and your personal learning.
Congratulations to our four new Master TetraMap Facilitators, Olive Strachan, Sandra Rösch, Haani Huata- Allen and Conny Huaki.
If you need any more persuasion, hear from these four amazing women who’ve embarked on and successfully completed their deeper journey into TetraMap. We asked them what it has meant to them.
“I missed a trick, and wish I’d done this sooner!
There’s so much more depth than I had realised, about the power of metaphor, and the understanding and joy TetraMap brings to people. The programme is so thorough, I learned a lot about the skill of online facilitation and how it can be as effective as face to face.
I enhanced my capability to connect with a group of people from all over the world. My goal is to bring TetraMap to communities right across the Caribbean and ensure my legacy surpasses what I’ve achieved.
My advice to others considering the program is – don’t wait!”
“The more you give, the more you get. I embarked on this great year-long journey for personal development, deepening my self-awareness and self-reflection. I want to support other facilitators to grow their expertise with TetraMap, particularly in the area of conflict management. My Master Facilitator project was to develop a tool kit for others to use.
I believe proactively addressing conflict is a crucial stage in our personal development – which in turn increases our ability to contribute to a better world. The power to make a difference is in our hands.”
“Ko te whakarite ki te taiao he mea tuku e ngā mātua tupuna – Māori have always had an affinity with the natural environment, using nature as a metaphor is māori-natural!”
Haani Huata- Allen, Aotearoa, New Zealand:
My role is in leadership and talent development at Te Wānanga O Aotearoa. My Masters project involved translation of the TetraMap instrument into te reo Māori, the Māori language. Recently I certified a new group of facilitators from my organisation in TetraMap facilitation – this was part of my Master TetraMap Facilitator legacy, to reach more people with TetraMap.
Kei aku rangatira o Te Taiao hīnei te mihi ki a koutou katoa e hora nei i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira ki ngā tōpito e whā o te ao!“
To all my esteemed colleagues, fellow friends of TetraMap, I would like to acknowledge you and all your awesomeness taking TetraMap to the world!
Haani Huata- Allen, Aotearoa, New Zealand:
Haani sends a message to her new Certified TetraMap Facilitators as they prepare to do their first facilitation in pairs for our tauira (learners) of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
“Kōrero akiaki – setting up for success!”
The outcome is to get to the end of the session- happy and smashed!!
The three Ps – Plan, Prepare, Perform!
Tauira understanding the tool and knowing themselves to know others in the room.
Inspire and Engage using all four Elements!
“Becoming a Master TetraMap Facilitator deepened my understanding of how diversity strengthens teams and organisations.
The programme challenged my thinking, refined my facilitation skills, and provided me with powerful tools to create real impact.
It has added huge value to my life giving me confidence, clarity, and a stronger ability to empower others to work more effectively together.”
What to expect:
Over several months, you’ll meet, collaborate and build relationships with others from around the globe in a series of online facilitation learning sessions. You will also participate and experience team coaching on the TetraMap of Leadership as well as unleashing your creativity and inspiring your passion with a project linked to your own interests.
Louise Duncan, TetraMap Global Brand Ambassador, has witnessed over several years the positive impact on those who make the choice to deepen their learning with the Master TetraMap Facilitator programme:
“It can be challenging, but you do get out what you put in. Learning is limitless and the programme has many possibilities and few limitations. There’s no pass or fail, right or wrong, black and white, it’s just an opportunity to continue to extend your skills and expand your mindset.
Legacy is different. You will learn to identify and amplify, share and scale the impact of your work. Leaving something better for others in the community, and perhaps in turn, the world.”
You can find out more and register on our website.