In Your Element – Personality
isn’t Permanent with Ben
Hardy PhD

By Louise

Dr. Benjamin Hardy has a PhD in Organizational Psychology, he’s the bestselling author of Willpower Doesn’t Work.  From 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on his blogs have been read by over 100 million people!  

He has a new, controversial and mind-blowing book that has just been released Personality Isn’t Permanent.   

In the book, Ben debunks the most pervasive myths about personality, explains why his research show personality tests like Myers-Briggs and Enneagram are non-scientific, can be harmful, and lead people to mediocrity. He reveals how past traumas negatively shape personality, and how-to re-frame those traumas, change your memories and break free from self-limiting beliefs. 

I’ve been following his work for several years and was lucky enough to score a podcast interview with him. In preparation he sent me an advance copy of his book, fast becoming a best seller. The reviews indicate this is something we’d all benefit from reading.   

His in-depth knowledge on this topic is particularly relevant for TetraMap facilitators and their clients. In the interview, Ben helps explain why people are so concerned about ‘personality tests’. This point in particular is why we always ask you don’t describe TetraMap this way.  

 There’s a lot of insights from Ben in this interview, all backed up by science and we’re sure you’ll find it thought-provoking, and him charming. I certainly did!  

Podcast: Royalty-free music: With permission from artist: Woah by Vincent Augustus
Producers: Alasdair and Uros: Far Out Podcast

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