
By TetraMap_Admin

We share feedback from different types of stakeholders: Participants, Facilitators, and Organisations. Simple, sticky, and non-judgemental language are recurring comments.

“I see TetraMap as a model of behaviour that provides us with a framework for communicating more diversely.”

“TetraMap allows people to understand and be confident in their own communication preference but equips them with the tools to communicate and interact with others more effectively. The use of nature as a metaphor makes it an easy model to not only deliver but also for people to understand and it is a concept people can easily relate to. It is a very useful model because it makes people more aware when communicating in the workplace and helps improve workplace communication. It is also a great framework for people to apply in their daily lives.”

Janeke Fourie – Upskils



“I apply TetraMap in all aspects of my life and what I find so fascinating about TetraMap is there are no opposites.”

“Each element compliments and draws strength from each other. This reminds us that in the face of adversity, we can be optimistic and solution-focused, we can be agile and structured and we can be firm and fair.
As much as TetraMap transforms individuals, teams and organisations it also transforms oneself. TetraMap has guided me to think carefully and critically, to listen with compassion and empathy, to speak purposefully and confidently and to act with integrity in a way that uplifts the mana, mauri and wairua of others.
TetraMap is a koha I have received with deep appreciation and with a responsibility and a commitment to share with others so you too can use the power of TetraMap to transform self and others.”

Kararaina McLean – MTF


Ollie Mack

“Since becoming a certified TetraMap facilitator in January 2015, we’ve been using the TetraMap tool with a wide variety of our clients ever since. ”

“Our clients include individuals, charities, councils, and manufacturing, with each sector finding TetraMap not only fun but extremely beneficial. By providing participants with the knowledge needed to raise their self-awareness and, when used in a team setting understanding their colleagues too, it’s great for team development! TetraMap is user-friendly, and everyone can get involved, making it a great tool for all.”

Ollie Mack – Change & Transformation


Anja Doil Testimonial

“In my experience TetraMap is the most powerful communication and team development tool that I have come across in 25 years of working with people development. ”

“The versatility of TetraMap, the huge potential it holds for 1:1 coaching and the excitement of bringing TetraMap to coaching clients is obvious to active coaches. Just try it yourself if you are already a coach. Learning from other coaches is a true inspiration. And just reaching out to other coaches in the community is so rewarding– you will find wisdom that is surprising, exciting, and fun!”

Anja Doil, Coach and Consultant – Vemmer Doil Consulting, Germany


Our two departments who used the materials found it accessible, insightful, and memorable and has already resulted in positive changes within each team.
Anonymous comment, organisation who began using TetraMap in 2023

I did my TetraMap training with Kataraina Pipi in 2008 and this was one of the most valuable trainings I have received in all my years as a Social Worker. Nga mihi ki a koe whaea.
Janice Aldridge in 2023

I absolutely loved the course, I haven’t found time to go back to it YET but you can guarantee that I will and that I look forward to it.
Ariana Pia, Certified TetraMap Facilitator 2023, ACC, New Zealand.

It is a really great tool to understand yourself and, more importantly, actually use the simple descriptors to change how you approach your own work, influence people etc etc. I have done Myers Briggs, Belbin and several others before and have found them very interesting for myself but virtually impossible to apply in any practical way .
Workshop Participant, UK

Helping build our awesome GoodSense team as a happy remote working crew in last 7+ yrs Thank You!
Cath Dewar, GoodSense, NZ

TetraMap has had a life-changing influence on my perspective and values. It has put nature at the center and given me the most valuable insight into other’s perspectives. It improved my life and relationships beyond what words can express.
Brett Baker, Owner and Senior Consultant, MaxQ, NZ

“Completing the TetraMap exercise as part of the Senior Women in Leadership course has been a revelation. It has really helped me to identify my leadership strengths and preferences and given me a strong indication of what I need to look for in future roles. Since completing the exercise I have actively sought out relevant self-development opportunities, it has had a big effect on the way that I interact with colleagues at UCL and the wider industry.”
Participant on a UCL (University College of London)  Leadership enhancement programme

TetraMap has made an impact that goes above and beyond performance at a team level. The use of nature as a metaphor and the simplicity is one of the key reasons our people have so readily bought into it. 
Jo Ring, Manager People and Culture, Wellington Zoo, NZ

As a leadership development professional, including the specialized work I’ve done the last 6-8 years in coaching executives, I have rarely found an assessment with more resonance than TetraMap. The experience of learning about The Elements and their “stickiness” keeps people referencing their results and integrating their learning in the day-to-day realities of both professional and personal livelihoods.”
Marcy Levy Shankman, Ph.D. Certified TetraMap Facilitator, USA

The power of enabling a single person to view a problem from all 4 perspectives helps them realise they can easily flex their mindset and indeed their behaviour. 
James Farrow, Founder, Curium Solutions, UK

There are other similar tools to TetraMap however the standout feature for us is the simplicity of the concepts and the language enabling wide application and understanding.
Chris Sidwell, Head of HR, Inghams, NZ

TetraMap has very quickly become part of everyday life. It is a model that is easy to understand, follow, and apply, and feels so natural that it becomes second nature to think in TetraMap terms. 
Sally Clark, Group Accounts Director, Aztec NZ

The power of TetraMap is its simplicity to engage minds and optimise thinking for increased learning and collaboration. 
Sylvie Carter, Director, Mindscious Group, Australia

TetraMap is easy for people to understand, grasp, and start using in a short time. I’m amazed at its accuracy for what appears to be a reasonably simplistic analysis tool; the knowledge and conceptual component appears to be infinite. 
Jan Alley, Master TetraMap Facilitator, Director, NZ

What TetraMap has to offer is a common language that can be easily grasped, heightened self- and other-awareness, and individual value-add in specific contexts for expediency.
Wendy Yeo, psychologist formerly at Singapore Armed Forces

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  • Janice Aldridge in 2023

    "I did my TetraMap training with Kataraina Pipi in 2008 and this was one of the most valuable trainings I have received in all my years as a Social Worker. Nga mihi ki a koe whaea."

  • Workshop Participant, UK

    "It is a really great tool to understand yourself and, more importantly, actually use the simple descriptors to change how you approach your own work, influence people etc etc. I have done Myers Briggs, Belbin and several others before and have found them very interesting for myself but virtually impossible to apply in any practical way."

  • Unknown – Facilitator

    "It helped me connect with all people better in every area of my life."

  • Bronwyn Anderson (MBTI certified) Psychologist, Change Dynamics, NZ

    “People get the hang of TetraMap so quickly. I use it
    more than anything else now.”

  • Ariana Pia, Certified TetraMap Facilitator 2023, ACC, New Zealand

    "I absolutely loved the course, I haven’t found time to go back to it YET but you can guarantee that I will and that I look forward to it."

I always choose TetraMap as the model of behaviour because the feedback from participants consistently reflects a positive experience and extremely high application in the ‘real world’. It’s reassuring to be told how the experience has changed their lives for the better, both inside and outside of work.
Dan Masters
Elmfield Training, UK